Rewards & Benefits Login

To login, type in your EEC ID (or CCHC-C ID) number below.

Enter your ID #:


If you have lost your ID number, send an email to  

Disclaimer: By offering these rewards and benefits, the Institute is not endorsing or recommending products or vendors associated with Rewards & Benefits.


Click and Save!

Type in your EEC ID (or CCHC-C) above and get access to benefits and rewards available to certified early educators in North Carolina. Just click on the box for each type of benefit and options will pop up on your screen!

Each ID is unique and is shared with certified applicants via email when a complete application is submitted. Your ID is located on your certificate and wallet size card.

Sample Discounts, Benefits & Rewards

  • Banking services (checking, savings, lines of credit & loans etc.) at a very low cost
  • Discounts and points to purchase goods and services through Perks at Work.  See video below.
  • Discounts on early childhood supplies & equipment & shipping
  • Discounts on early childhood and school age professional and children’s books
  • Health & wellness resources
  • Insurance options & tailored plans for early educators and employers
  • Resources for programs operating as nonprofit entity
  • Work-Life benefits providing access to work-life referrals, legal and financial tools (from tax prep to wills), monthly webinars, and tools
  • And more!

The Perks at Work program offers a variety of discounts.  The video below explains how it works.

Be a Rewards & Benefits Vendor

The Institute partners with businesses and organizations across the state and nation to provide discounts on goods and services for certified early educators in North Carolina. For more information about how your business or organization can become a vendor, contact Erin Smith at To become a vendor and support early educators in NC with discounted memberships, goods or services, complete our vendor/business/organization contribution form.

©AWS - 2023 NC Institute for Child Development Professionals, PO Box 959, Chapel Hill, NC 27514