

Thank you for your Feedback & Congratulations! 

We had nearly 1300 early childhood professionals across NC participate in our fall EEC/Endorsement survey. We are so grateful for you taking time to provide us with valuable information and insights into how EEC impacts professionals like you and how it fits into our statewide ECE system.  We are also excited to report that Wanda Mitchell is the winner of our EEC/Endorsement Survey Raffle!  Congratulations Wanda and thanks again to everyone for your valuable feedback! 

Online, On-Demand Trainings Now Available from the Institute

The Institute is excited to announce a new way to meet your ECE training needs– online on-demand trainings!  Two online on-demand trainings are currently available with more to come.  Check out our website for all of the on-demand information and access to our latest on-demand training release- Professional Burnout in ECE:  You Can’t Give to Others What You Don’t Have! 

Check out the new NC ECE  documentary:  Take Care

The documentary examines North Carolina’s child care crisis through the voices and stories of our families, child care providers and teachers, and business and community leaders.    

North Carolina’s child care crisis is hurting everyone—children, families, child care teachers and providers, businesses, and our economy. The Take Care documentary puts a face to the issues and impacts of this crisis and the criticalness of finding lasting solutions! Learn more and get involved with the Take Care project.

The Institute Supports NAEYC and DAP

Recently DAP has come under attack. Read more about the NC Institute for Child Development Professional’s stance on standing firm with NAEYC and Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP).

Institute DAP Support letter to NAEYC (2)

The Unifying Framework for the Early Childhood Education Profession

The Unifying Framework for the Early Childhood Education Profession was developed over the last three years by a task force of 15 leading national organizations, including the National Association for the Education of Young Children, which facilitated this collective effort. Together, these organizations, which represent members of the early childhood field working across states, settings, and age bands, partnered with a diverse range of stakeholders and more than 11,000 individuals to produce the Unifying Framework.  Learn more about the Power to the Profession initiative here.

Your Voice Counts

The NC Early Education Coalition (Coalition) is the only statewide advocacy coalition dedicated to promoting high quality, accessible and affordable child care in NC.

Through research and advocacy, the Coalition builds partners with early childhood educators, early care and education providers, Smart Start, child care resource and referrals agencies, higher education and others to improve programs and policies and/or increase funding for low income families through child care subsidy, scholarships and wage supplements for early educators, NC Pre-K, Smart Start and more. 

Learn how you can become involved and become a member of the Coalition.

What’s Happening?

Support our Work by Becoming a 2024 Institute Patron


As we near the end of the 2024 year, we are reminded of how much we are thankful for amid the many challenges faced in the early childhood field. The Institute is so humbled by those who continue to support our work and the many volunteers who tirelessly
carry out the Institute’s mission and vision. Your end of year tax-deductible giving will help us gain greater direction within our mission and vision. We need your help as we navigate these endeavors and continue to cultivate a
professional development system that promotes fair compensation and recognition for early childhood professionals and quality care for young children and their families.

Please consider becoming a 2024 Institute Patron and helping us make a difference!

-Platinum Patron – $500.00 or more

-Gold Patron – $300.00 – $499.00

-Silver Patron – $100.00 – $299.00

-Bronze Patron – under $100.00

Your generous contribution as an Institute Patron is appreciated and will be shared on our website.  It can be made through our website or by using the QR Code below.

NC Salary Scale Toolkit 

In 2023, the NC Institute for Child Development Professionals shared the exciting news of the creation of a project to design an online toolkit and trainings on creating or revising a salary scale for child care centers and family child care homes and share more broadly information on the NC Model Salary Scale for Early Childhood Teachers.

We are excited to share that the NC Salary Scale Toolkit AND the Level 1 Training Salary Scale Toolkit Webinar are available on demand 24/7!  Register for the Level 1 Toolkit Webinar Training and access the Salary Scale Toolkit here.

For all things “salary scale toolkit project,” click here and use the QR code below or sign up here to stay up to date on information related to this project.

QR code to Salary Scale Toolkit Info. Sign-up

Support the Institute- Click Here to Make a Donation.

©AWS - 2023 NC Institute for Child Development Professionals, PO Box 959, Chapel Hill, NC 27514